Aerial view of the Republic of Mauritius.

Norbert Figueroa / EyeEm | EyeEm | Getty Images

Google on Wednesday updated its travel site with features that will provide more information about where you're planning to take your next trip. It will show you, for example, the cheapest and most expensive times of year at your destination, as well as the typical weather in that place.

If you're thinking about a vacation during the summer and want to travel somewhere sunny but not too hot, and also want to see the months when it's cheapest to do so, you can do that using Google's new travel site.

When you search for a destination, there's a new tab that shows three options:

  • "Where to stay" with hotel recommendations
  • "When to visit" with information on the typical weather conditions, how busy the destination city typically is and when it's the least expensive
  • "What you'll pay" which provides more information on price ranges for hotels."

It looks like this:

Google's travel site now shows the best time to visit based on price, weather and crowds.


You can see that, for example, Portugal is really busy in May and expensive in July. But by September (as kids go back to school), the weather is still just as good but the population dies down and hotels are generally a bit more affordable.

It doesn't work for every destination, though. When I tried searching for "Bora Bora," it just showed standard prices.

I like that it shows information on different months of the year no matter what your initial search is, though. So if you're pretty open on your travel dates, you can get more information on when the best time to travel somewhere is.

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